Video: This Sunday's theatre question - why do you love going to the theatre?
Theatre makes a massive contribution to the UK whether it is in the jobs it creates, the billions it generates for the economy, the outreach programmes for local communities and of course what it gives to you and me as theatre-goers.
Its future is at risk which is heartbreaking, in this Sunday's theatre question video I talk about why I love going to the theatre so much and I'd love to know what you love about it.
And if you want to help theatre survive there are all sorts of things you can do. Sign this petition to get the Government to help theatres, make a donation to your favourite theatre or buy a membership, pay to watch some streamed theatre and tell your friends about it, for example.
If you've missed a Sunday theatre question, here's a few I've already posted:
The question about Shakespeare.
The question about unexpected audience experiences.
The question about which theatre production you'd revive?
If you want to see more of my videos, including my 60-second reviews, follow my YouTube channel, like my Facebook page or follow me on Instagram, whichever is your favourite platform 🤓