Theatre streaming announcement: National Theatre to show Frankenstein with Benedict Cumberbatch and Jonny Lee Miller
This stage production of Frankenstein was such a big deal when it was announced.
Benedict Cumberbatch was just transitioning from jobbing actor into a screen-star and it was also a return to stage directing for Danny Boyle after a run of successful films including Slumdog Millionnaire.
But more than that, the play's two leads - BC being joined by Jonny Lee Miller - were going to alternate roles, taking it in turns to play the creature and Frankenstein.
I was lucky enough to see both versions on stage as well as attending the cast and director Q&A for charity.
Not one but two versions
Both versions of the casting are going to be streamed by the National Theatre starting with Benedict Cumberbatch as the creature on April 30 and you can find all the details here.
Can't wait to see them both again and it looks like there might be an opportunity to watch both versions back to back.
When in lockdown...
Did you see Frankenstein, looking forward to seeing it again?
Related reading:
Frankenstein charity Q&A highlights.
My review: First viewing with Jonny Lee Miller playing the creature
Theatre in the time of coronavirus - how to get your stage fix during the lockdown