Theatre hottie and girl crush of the month - August edition
After watching Matthew Lewis in Unfaithful - you know, the Harry Potter child actor who got all hot when he grew up - I was asked if he would be my hottie of the month. Unfortunately for Matthew the bar had already been set exceptionally high because of Platonov with Stan fav James (makes me a bit giggly) McArdle.
He would have walked it even without the long johns - if you've seen the play you will know what I mean. To say that I'm stupidly excited about Angels in America next year is an understatement and I haven't even got the tickets yet.
And my girl crush is linked because it is Nina Sosanya who plays the intelligent, feisty and elegant Anna in Platonov. So here are a couple of pics of James and Nina both deserving the hottie/crush status:
Theatre hotties/Girl crushes of the year so far:
And here's an interview Nina did with the Guardian earlier in the year.